Flood Recovery Information


If you have any doubt about about the safety of your solar or electrical system seek a professional assessment before turning anything back on.

 We are here to help | call 1300 553 787 | hello@psae.com.au

Friday, 11th of March

 How we can help flood effected properties.

  1. Safety checks on existing solar systems that have been submerged or impacted by flood waters. 

  2. Testing and reconnection of your power supply. 

  3. Provide insurance reports and quotes for flood effected electrical power points/lights/etc.

 Solar system safety checks 

Premium Solar & Electrical would like to prioritise our existing customers' with free safety checks. If you have had your inverter/solar system affected by the flooding please give our office a call on 1300 553 787 or send an email to hello@psae.com.au so that we can schedule one of our electricians to assess the damage and any repairs/replacement parts required.  

Insurance Report/Quote for additional work 

While we are your property we can also take the details required to prepare an insurance report/quote to replace all the flood effected electrical outlets, light fittings etc. 

Reconnection of an Electrical Supply after flooding 

For people that have had their electricity supply disconnected by Essential Energy we can reinstate a temporary power supply. Please call us on 1300 553 787 to organise this.  

If your power points and/or lights have been submerged you’ll need a full safety inspection to determine what can be switched on.  

The process involves: 

  • Sending an electrician to carry out a safety inspection & testing. 

  • Replace the Main Switch and RCD and install a new GPO (Power point) in the meter box.  This will mean you will be only able use power directly from the meter box via extension lead. 

  • Issue a Certificate of Compliance for Electrical Work (CCEW), log this with Essential Energy and email you a copy. 

  • Once your CCEW has been issued we can send our Level 2 Electrician to reinstate your power supply.  

To claim your reimbursement you will need to: 

Email connection.enquiries@essentialenergy.com.au and provide the following documents: 

  • Copy of the Certificate of Compliance for Electrical Work (CCEW) 

  • Itemised invoice from the Level 2 ASP Level 2 for the reconnection process 

  • Completed New Vendor Information form, to enable us to process your reimbursement. 

For full details on reconnecting your electricity after flooding head to Essential Energy: 



Monday, 7th of March

To all our friends and customers,

The unprecedented flooding and damage to South East QLD and the Northern Rivers of NSW has been devastating for so many people. With the devastating lose of life we've seen record floods with homes and businesses completely submerged. My deepest condolences to all those affected by this unfolding tragedy.

While the flood waters may have receded now the focus will turn towards assessing the damage and rebuilding.

With so many homes and businesses affected I'm sure that there will be 1000's of solar systems that will need Health and Safety Reports and likely replacement.

We work in partnership with a number of construction and insurance companies that will no doubt be struggling to cope with the number of properties needing assessment.

Premium Solar would like to prioritise our existing customers needs first. If you have had your inverter affected by the flooding or if you notice that your Solar System isn't working as it should please give our office a call or send an email to hello@psae.com.au so that we can schedule one of our electricians to assess the damage and to provide a report for your insurance company.

Electricity and water don't mix so if in doubt please don't touch your solar system or meter box. We also work with Level 2 electricians who can assess your mains power and meter boxes for any damage. 

Once again, the team at Premium Solar is here to help in this time of need.

Our thoughts are will all those affected by the recent events.


Yours sincerely,

Jeff Johnson


Premium Solar & Electrical

 We are here to help | 1300 553 787 | hello@psae.com.au